Kathy has written a book! For years she has been writing her own ladies Sunday school lessons. This one in particular she wrote and taught here in Puerto Rico. Afterwards, she decided to write it in a book form. Our pastor gave her script to Dr. Sheldon Smith of the Sword of the Lord who, in turn, gave it to a lady to read. She recommended it for publication and here we are! Through Walden Way Publications of the Sword of the Lord, Kathy's book has been illustrated and printed as a study for ladies, and they did a phenomenal job with full-color pages and study questions at the end of each chapter.
The book is written from the perspective of vitamins and how they affect our physical health: each vitamin's function in the human body has been correlated with Peter's list in II Peter 1:3-9 and our espiritual growth; they are as follows: faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity. God has given us exceeding great and precious promises! If these be in us and abound, we will neither be barren nor unfruitful. We hope other ladies will benefit from this study as Kathy was helped in her study.