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Updated: Jan 29, 2020

Since December 28th Puerto Rico has been experiencing stronger earthquakes. There is a fault line that runs north of the island that seems to often have tremors. But over the New Year the fault line south of Puerto Rico, in the Caribbean Sea, began to show some seismic activity. On January 7th we had a series of three earthquakes at 4:24 in the morning that shook us out of bed! The power also went off. It stayed off for four days. This required Gary to get in line at the gas stations to refill the cans as we had to run the generator so the food would not spoil. Thankfully, the gas stations had plenty of gas, the lines were not too long, and there were not food shortages. It was nothing compared to the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. Sadly, though, the south part of the island had some devastation. Please pray for those families that have suffered loss.

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